Prepayments Not working

OEMR 5.0.1 Windows R2012 PHP 7.1.9 Apache 2.4.27 MySQL 5.7.19

After selecting prepayment, no matter which payment type is selected. This message pops up. As you can see there is a value in the amount box.

Any Suggestions?

Help me remember Sherwin, was Pre-Payment always applied under Insurance Coverage?

@juggernautsei I found the issue in validation missing payment type. Will put up P.R later today.

Yes, it was/is Jerry. @sjpadgett

@juggernautsei If you will verify this I will bring into codebase. Thanks.

Negative, it is still the same message pops up.

I’ve verified this working several times and also checked that payment updates to patient ledger. May be a fluke it not working for you or perhaps pulled from wrong branch on my git. Going to go ahead and bring in so we can test when demos reset. I’ll keep an eye out for follow on.

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I can only say that the cache got me. I switched browsers and the prepayment works.

Cool thanks Sherwin for bringing this up.