PQRS Reports

ecavalier wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

Please help me with reports. What I need to do to resolve problems with diabetic patients LDL managemnt

Diabetes: HbA1c Poor Control (CQM)( PQRI:1 NQF:0059 )
Diabetes: LDL Management & Control (CQM)( PQRI:2 NQF:0064 ), Numerator 1
Diabetes: LDL Management & Control (CQM)( PQRI:2 NQF:0064 ), Numerator 2

ecavalier wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

Pleasee see attache sreenshot

ecavalier wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

Pleasee see attache sreenshot

mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

This is typically due to your clinical data not using the format required by Clinical Decision Rules engine. Best way will be to understand how these measures are calculated from Administration -> Rules

ecavalier wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

Thank You MD Support
Were I can get thhis information. I checked allredy all my Rulles, but I need to find any info what I need to do to resolve this problem

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, January 12, 2016:

HbA1C rule has been configured. See attached regarding how to get numerators into Standard Measures Report.

Because the 2 LDH rules have not been configured in Administration/Rules, see this.

It takes some effort & patience to set up new rules, so go slowly.

jjcahs wrote on Monday, December 12, 2016:

Have you all found that the quality measures report in OpenEMR is accurate. We have a number of clients asking as we help them with being compliant with PQRS and now with MACRA. Please let me know. Thanks,



cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

hi Jit, are they planning on submitting the pqri report to a certified dsv?