Post-installation configuration

anonymous wrote on Thursday, July 29, 2010:

Is there a post-installation configuration guide that shows how to set up openEMR - for example, loading CPT and ICD-9?

Does OpenEMR support ICD-10-cm / -PCS and HCFA 5010?

In the Physical Exam encounter form, is there a way to (pre-)load a set of diagnoses, for example from ICD, so that when the diagnosis is selected for a specific item, the provider is presented with a list?

visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 30, 2010:


To automatically load ICD-9 codes in openemr, please refer the following link:

At present openemr doesn’t support ICD-10-cm / -PCS and HCFA 5010.

In Physical Exam form, there is no option to pre-load diagnosis codes but we can add  diagnosis codes through “Diagnosis → Edit” in that form.

Vicareplus Team,