I am receiving all of my EMR data for my AllScripts MyWay account in sql.bak or CSV file format. I would like to import the data into OpenEMR. Is this easily possible? Is there already a plugin available for this purpose? Will i need to read up and figure out how to custom import the data? I have some computer science background, but time is of essence.
If you are planning to import other EMR data, it is not as simple as SQL import - since it is unlikely that Allscripts tables will match OpenEMR tables. You will need following:
Good understanding of OpenEMR data structures
Good understanding of OpenEMR data structures (Repeat)
SQL Server Express to use restored sql.bak and have maximum flexibility.
Some tool to transform and load Allscripts data in OpenEMR. If you know Microsoft Access that is good start with MySQL ODBC driver.
If you want to stick to MySQL tools, you could use Toad for MySQL (free).
Have a look at this post. It can be used as a template for database transfer.
If the practice is in the U.S. and the MU attestation deadline is looming; would suggest that the practice concentrate on setting up OpenEMR properly as the first priority and foregoing attestation if there is not enough time.
Because there are multiple tables involved; CSV import, although less time consuming than manual input, still requires time and care.
MU attestation carries legal and criminal implications if not done correctly.