Possible bug in 6.0 master - when pubpid does not exist

Hi everyone. This bug doesn’t happen in 501 or 502. This is what I found. I am using the code right out of master, even though I am working on a custom branch.

If the pubpid doesn’t exist and we try to edit patient info, we get the folllowing error screen:

I can fix this myself, but I’m finishing up a project at the moment.

works for me for edit demographic

Sorry, I left out a step. I went to “Edit Patient” from Billing Manager.

It opens Edit Patient,

Then editing the patient from this screen brings me here:

Somethng different that happens is the order of tabs that opens when opening a pubpid-less patient from Billing Manager


I am doing this using master for version 6.0

I fixed this issue somewhere!

yep just tested and works v6.0. I just can’t find the issue or PR I put in master or when.
The tabs open differently than use to but, i’m don’t going to address!

Documented fix at Fatal Crash When Editing Patient · Issue #4102 · openemr/openemr · GitHub
for anybody that happenstance upon this forum thread.