POS problem

@stephenwaite @brady.miller
umm, I thought I fixed this back in rel-502 but looking over code this works as I wrote it!
I fixed billing locations defaults, added telehealth POS, set default POS from selected facility(service).

I’m sure my intention was that billing facility should be what sets POS because I seem to recall that medicare has certain rules with POS and billing location contrary to what is intuitive in POS acronym.

First question: How do we need this to work before I tromp off on this again?
Second: Why do I do what I do sometimes?:slight_smile: Really, was I right in my thinking on this in first place?
Should we be adding some additional flags to facility service?


think the bug is that when you go to edit it shows lowest value but if left alone it will stay defaulted to place of service set by service facility?

That’s not a bug @stephenwaite, I call it a new feature!:slight_smile:

Opening issue: Facility, Billing location and POS Issues · Issue #3449 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

@Michael_Farina if you have an opinion how this should work, now’d be the time. I’m especially interested from a billing POV…
@stephenwaite Your opinion would be appreciated. And please turn off the annoying forum warnings i’m posting to much.:slight_smile:

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I am very happy and thankful you came up with the option - our biller is also happy she does not have to hand-correct POS!

I think the way you intended it to work is perfect and you put it in the right place. If it can pull the default POS from facilities then that will make it effortless aside from those times that it needs to be changed, like changing it to “02” when I have a telehealth session. The only other options making sense are to add it to the calendar/scheduler popup or as a programmable option for the calendar categories - e.g., category named, “Telehealth Encounter” would be set to POS=“02” I mention this idea in case anyone feels strongly about it but the way you did it is easier.

The only other thing I have coming up over POS=02 is that when we started using 02, coders were quick to ask that we specifically mention in the note whether the session included audio or audio AND video; apparently the audio-only option should be billed as CPT G2012 at POS=11.

Perhaps another feature arising from this is to offer integration with an A/V platform. Some, like WebEx, have a patch feature to integrate with MS Outlook Calendar but I am not impressed with it.

Not sure who you’re talking to but currently for a new encounter the default service facility will be the facility assigned to user in Users. From that facility, the default POS set in users assigned fac is selected in encounter.
This all works well.

As @stephenwaite pointed out, we need to focus more on Primary business entity and not so much on billing location. No problem and agree.

Big issue is also that most times the initial encounter will be either auto created or created by a receptionist, nurse or whomever is logged in that may not be provider doing encounter with patient. This makes for a giant headache for billers i’m sure so, I plan to address this as well. Perhaps will default to logged in user as now then allow to be changed in new encounter.

A PR #3505 is pending for encounter workflows patch with a demo instance for testing at:
if you want to test to help me ensure I can put this to bed for all times.

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you’re fast @sjpadgett, thank you

starting to :horse_racing:around with the demo
first thing:
there used to be a View Past Encounters dropdown at the top in the attendandData <div>

Screenshot from 2020-05-13 15-53-44

Is changed to this after an encounter has been opened

ok, weird, maybe it was deleted from your testing, i went to add one and it said one existed

That is weird! However, concerning somewhat, as you were starting with new patient and should not have received an alert!

no, used your patient, working with new pt now, guy named Brady, just as well :slight_smile:

Gooder Doo must be a southern expression

Yep. A language we southerners invented to confuse northerners!

Okay then there was already an encounter created for today. To note that I added a feature in 5.0.1 in globals that allow as many new today encounters to be created from calendar that are needed for a patient. ie one for screening and the one for doctor visit. Still will receive a notice though.

Also, if patient has an appointment for today and user creates new encounter from UI(+) then we will screen appointments to recover appointment provider/facility data to populate new encounter. Up to the number of appointments for that day then, will default to legacy of using logged in user. Pheew!

wow :slight_smile: that’s pretty cool

Yeah, I occasionally have my moments.:slight_smile:

Still there is more we can do to improve this work flow concerning feesheet, thus billing, which i’ll pursue further in v5.0.3.

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This issue and more is addressed in Encounter updates [WIP] by sjpadgett · Pull Request #3505 · openemr/openemr · GitHub v5.0.2 patch 3 and to continue in v5.0.3.

Agreed, perhaps we can collapse the Set Price Level? I do not use this at all.

Sorry for being MIA so long - started a new (another on top of) job. Working at a university directing a clinical psy program :slight_smile: As soon as I can get a clinic up and running I want to use OpenEMR for it!

Anyway - I clicked on alpha and got a 404 (Does not exist) but I opened beta. I checked the box under globals but did did not see options to change POS (e.g. for a telehealth appointment).

I don’t understand! In facilities? What alpha and beta?
