POS Code by Encounter vs Facility

ideaman911 wrote on Saturday, November 29, 2008:

I suspect that many are like my clinician in providing services at multiple locations.  In my case they can be a SNF, Office or House Call.  That requires current configuration to effectively run the billing for each of those facilities, even though they are done for the same provider.

OpenEMR has the POS code effectively locked by the facility definition, while the POS code itself is actually an encounter-based issue.  With experience billing Medicare using their MCE software, I wonder if anyone has already made the configuration and can give me some guidance.

I am working with the current dev level 2.9.1 because it eliminates the need for SQL-Ledger, which will be a huge setup problem solver under Windows, and I am trying to help that community especially which does house calls.  All of them will have both 12 and 11 as POS codes.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, December 04, 2008:

You can create a separate facility for each medical facility location that is used, and then in the encounter (new-encounter form) link to the appropriate service facility.

For house calls, I think it should work to define a single facility with POS code 12 and no address information.  The latest code (in CVS, not in 2.9.0) for generating X12 claims specifically omits the service location (loop 2310D) when the POS code is 12.  Check with your clearinghouse if that works for them.


ideaman911 wrote on Friday, January 30, 2009:

I have encoded an elegant modification to the distribution code which allows the creation of another calendar type (eg office visit, house call, SNF, etc) which shows as a drop-down in the Encounter input area.  You then use the coding model to create the correlating code according to the standard facility codes list, which will override the basic facility POS code at X12 or HCFA 1500 production when one of those has been entered in the encounter.  Contact me at im@holzerent.com for details and to get copies of the adjusted files.

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, January 30, 2009:

I have gotten a bunch of requests for this and it hasn’t been here four hours yet!  So I wonder that it was never done before.  Anyway, I have put the code changes below.

I want to note that I cannot be certain this works with any other version than 2.9.1 dev which is available for distribution now as a "beta". But I would certainly think it should be similar for other versions.

First step is to simply open the Admin - Database and look at the openemr_postcalendar_categories data using BROWSE. You should see a series which includes Office Visit, Vacation, No Show, etc. with an associated pc_catid code which need not be in order. The Encounter listing will display only some of these. Most critical is that the highest pc-catid value be known. In mine it was 11 for "Reserved", but it could be anything. When you add another, its pc_catid will be the next higher value, which you will need to know for the association below.

When you want to add the other POS "services", you must use Admin - Calendar - Categories and create a New Category for each you intend to use (you can also edit any of the others for duration, etc as you wish). Then return to the database listing and make note of the pc_catid for each.

For example, to add House Call and other service locations to calendar and to encounter drop-down to allow substitution of POS in claims, I add them as New Categories in Admin - Calendar as House Call color #FFFF99 duration 1 Hr (3600) and change Office Visit to 1 Hr if desired (3600), and add TC Conference color Red IN THAT ORDER and verify with BROWSE in openemr_postcalendar_categories database in Admin to verify House Call has pc_catid = 12 also - these will display in Encounter view/new as drop-down selections. Then add conditionals in …/library/claim.class.php at Function for POS near line 527, and do same for SNF, or other service locations as appropriate to enter correct code override. Logic shown allows select substitution for claim of whatever form_encounter[‘pc_catid’] is in table with whatever POS code is required for proper claim submission, to replace POS code defined for facility as default. Codes listing can be found in …/library/classes/POSRef.class.php and details are available at CMS website.

Code changes in …/library/claim.class.php  are per the following near 526:

  function facilityPOS() { 
    //  All JCH by Joe Holzer (C) 1/8/09 <im@holzerent.com>  JCH
    //  For providers with multiple facilities, need multiple POS, especially for medicare & Medicaid  JCH
    //  We need the pos_code for this encounter if it is a 12 (or other select) to override the facility[pos_code]  JCH
  //  Codes as shown are House, TC Conf, Non-Skilled Nurse Facility and Fayetteville (converts to Office)  JCH
    //  After entry as added categories for Admin - Calendar and verify pc_catid values to make $enc_catid  JCH
    //  Values for $pos_code are available from CMS and are in …/classes/POSRef.class.php  JCH
    //  This replaces function facilityPOS() as originally by Rod Roark  JCH
      $enc_catid = x12clean(trim($this->encounter[‘pc_catid’]));     // Needed value for POS overwrite JCH
    $pos_code = ‘’;                      //  Set $pos_code blank by default  JCH
        if ($enc_catid==‘12’) {
              $pos_code = ‘12’; }            //  If House Call then code is 12  JCH
            else if ($enc_catid==‘13’) {
                  $pos_code = ‘99’;  }         //  If TC Conf then code is 99  JCH
            else if ($enc_catid==‘14’) {
                  $pos_code = ‘32’;  }         //  If Non SNF then code is 32  JCH
            else if ($enc_catid==‘15’) {
                  $pos_code = ‘11’;  }         //  If Fayetteville then code is 11 - could have been omitted  JCH
          if ($pos_code != ‘’) {             //  Only replace if there is a valid code per tests  JCH
            return $pos_code;  }
          else return x12clean(trim($this->facility[‘pos_code’]));

which replaces the original function facilityPOS()

I advise keeping your original and ONLY edit its copy as needed to fix the specifics per my edits in the POS Function, in case other functions are different between versions.

Good Luck.

Joe Holzer