Hi Folks-
Here’s how Ken got gmail SMTP to work with OpenEMR’s Notifications and the Patient Portal self registration function.
NOTE: as I recall, gmail only allows a very low volume of outgoing traffic for their personal email accounts so this is only good for testing, not to use in production for a clinic’s patient notifications.
- If needed, find your gmail account’s SMTP settings at:
According to that page, this account’s were:
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: smtp.gmail.com
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires TLS: Yes (if available)
Requires Authentication: Yes
Port for SSL: 465
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Full Name or Display Name: Your name
Account Name, User name, or Email address: Your full email address
Password: Your Gmail password
ALSO- enable “less secure apps” on the gmail account.
Look in in the dropdown, ‘If “Less secure app access” is off for your account’.
Click the link, ‘turn it back on’ for instructions.
In your OpenEMR go to:
(from main menu:) Administration -> Globals -> Notifications tab -
Set the following items:
Patient Reminder Sender Name: [perhaps use your OpenEMR’s facility name?]
Patient Reminder Sender Email: [your gmail address]
Notification Email Address: [your gmail address]
Email Transport Method: select from dropdown, SMTP
SMTP Server Hostname: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Server Port Number: 465
SMTP User for Authentication: [your gmail address]
SMTP Password for Authentication: [your gmail password]
SMTP Security Protocol: SSL -
Click ‘Save’
Log out of the OpenEMR then back in.