Portal self-registration Problem

Hello together,

I am currently trying to set up the Patient Portal. For this I have followed this guide here HOWTO: Activate the Patient Portal v6.0+ - OpenEMR Project Wiki. The first problem is that no matter what I enter in the “Patient Portal Site Address” field, the link to the portal remains localhost/portal.
The second problem is that when I try to create a new account as a patient, I get the error on Firefox “Something went wrong. Recommend contacting the clinic.” and in the console “GEThttp://localhost/favicon.ico
[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 0ms]” and “The cookie “PortalOpenEMR” was rejected because it has already expired.”
Can anyone help there? Thanks

Not trying to be funny or sarcastic. Are you sure you followed the guide? The first thing that is instructed to do is to change the settings in the globals. Did you do that?
Also, are you running the program on localhost?
Did you go to the demo site to compare what you have in your settings with settings that are working? Just a couple of quick suggestions.

Also, about operating systems. Is it linux based or is it windows?

“Something went wrong” error usually occurs when the password entered is wrong. Usually, I have to reset the patient’s portal account.

However, I am not sure if this is your case, as there is the issue with the address redirect.

Hi Ahmad Salah,
Your patient portal link should be localhost/[your project name]/portal.
you can refer below attached link to know about openemr patient portal


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