Portal Profile Dashboard

How can I customize this section?

What do you want to do? Current style is for responsive behavior across device sizes. You’d have to restyle in the portal code.
btw The next release has ability to select same themes that are available in OpenEMR theming.
I like the dark. You can set the default for all patients in Config->Portal and patient can select the thame they like. Kind of glad I added this capability.

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Thank you for your reply, I Want to change the wording (Lab Result > Something Else, Issue List > Some different word), add other input types, etc.

You’d have to customize via code however if it makes sense to add your suggestions as defaults, I’d be happy to consider.

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I’ 'm fine to change the code, can you direct me , to where the codes located? And how can I change the input type,

I don’t understand input type. These are list generated from database.

Okay got it about input type. Where is the code located for text ?

I have to look!:slight_smile: Jesh been awhile…

Okkei, Thank you for your time, it will be great help if I can get location for those texts.

Start in openemr/portal root with the scripts titled with get_ like get_lab_results.php and follow from there.

Thank you for the hints.

Can also take advantage of the translation engine for simple label/wording change (ie. can create English translation for those constants) at Admin->System->Language (then no need to modify code).

WOW, this will help. Thank you.