Portal audit link issue

After updating the latest openemr patch when I try to click on portal audits as an admin it shows the attahced error message. dose this has to do with a particular folder in the Root or should I change things in the settings.

Please note that the prior to adding the latest it was working well withouth facing any issue.

Oh Snap!


You may want to try returning to the the previous page and verifying that all fields have been filled out correctly.

If you continue to experience this error please contact support.

Stack Trace:

#0 /home/caqu79qe/public_html/simulation.skmcsimcenter.site/portal/patient/fwk/libs/verysimple/Phreeze/Dispatcher.php(91): GenericRouter->GetRoute(‘GET:onsiteactiv…’) #1 /home/caqu79qe/public_html/simulation.skmcsimcenter.site/portal/patient/index.php(54): Dispatcher::Dispatch(Object(Phreezer), Object(SavantRenderEngine), ‘’, NULL, Object(GenericRouter)) #2 {main}

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version

I’m using: Google Chomre , Fire Fox and Ms Edge

Operating System
I’m using: Cpnale Cloud based Linuex system