kevmccor wrote on Tuesday, May 01, 2012:
The link above gets us into the Medicare operations manual. You will find that specific CPT codes are associated with specific places of service. While it is probable that this is not foolproof, it is possible to check CPT codes against place of service codes and at least have a suggestion of the proper place of service code. I believe right now the place of service code is part of the ‘facility’ database row and effectively ‘hardcoded’ into the claim generation process.
I put the below function in my statement script to get a more descriptive item,but the concept could apply to checking the place of service.
function check_proc_code($prc_code){
// set $descr to empty string
$descr = '';
// arays of procedure codes, by type
$STMT_OFFC_LIST = array("99201","99202","99203","99204","99205","99211","99212","99213","99214","99215");
$STMT_OFFCCONS_LIST = array("99241", "99242", "99243", "99244", "99245");
$STMT_PREV_LIST = array("99384", "99385", "99386", "99387", "99394", "99395", "99396", "99397");
$STMT_HOSP_LIST = array("99231", "99232", "99233");
$STMT_SNF_LIST = array("99307", "99308", "99309", "99310");
$STMT_HOSPADM_LIST = array("99221", "99222", "99223");
$STMT_HOSPDSCHG_LIST = array("99238", "99239");
$STMT_HOSPADMDSCHG_LIST = array("99234", "99235", "99236");
$STMT_HOSPOBS_LIST = array("99217", "99218", "99219", "99220");
// check for values -- there should be no duplicates in the code arrays
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_OFFC_LIST, true)) $descr = "Office Visit";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_OFFCCONS_LIST, true)) $descr = "Office Consult";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_PREV_LIST, true)) $descr = "Preventive Care Visit";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_HOSP_LIST)) $descr = "Hospital Visit";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_SNF_LIST)) $descr = "Skilled Nursing Facility Visit";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_HOSPADM_LIST)) $descr = "Hospital Admission";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_HOSPDSCHG_LIST)) $descr = "Hospital Discharge";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_HOSPADMDSCHG_LIST)) $descr = "Hospital Admit/Discharge";
if (in_array($prc_code, $STMT_HOSPOBS_LIST)) $descr = "Hospital Observation";
return $descr;
} // end function