phpMyadmin error

omo66 wrote on Saturday, September 19, 2009:

Strange error found after installing OEMFR V 3.1.0
I tested both on Fedora 9 and Ubuntu 8.
The installation goes fine. During installation used other name for admin as  ‘otto’ .
I loged in fine. with ‘otto’ and password ‘pass’
I was able to see phpMadmin within EMR fine.
I changed the user ‘otto’  password to ‘secret’
This caused the phpMyadmin to stop working with err as below:

Not Found
The requested URL /login_screen.php was not found on this server.

Any ideas???

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 19, 2009:


Tried above and couldn’t confirm bug on mandriva 2008 with firefox. Are you sure you didn’t modify globals.php at all; specifically this line:


If you modify this you need to make changes in config in phpmyadmin (see globals.php for further details)

If that’s not the case, does clearing the browser cookies help?


omo66 wrote on Saturday, September 19, 2009:

Yes I did at some point,  but after the failure I attempted several times to install it without changing the session variable.
In past versions changing this variable did not cause problems.
Why it did not work later when I did not change that variable ?

omo66 wrote on Saturday, September 19, 2009:

cleaning browser cookies and matching the sessions variable solved this issue.  My fault, I did not read the comments inside globals.php carefully enough.