Strange error found after installing OEMFR V 3.1.0
I tested both on Fedora 9 and Ubuntu 8.
The installation goes fine. During installation used other name for admin as ‘otto’ .
I loged in fine. with ‘otto’ and password ‘pass’
I was able to see phpMadmin within EMR fine.
I changed the user ‘otto’ password to ‘secret’
This caused the phpMyadmin to stop working with err as below:
Not Found
The requested URL /login_screen.php was not found on this server.
Yes I did at some point, but after the failure I attempted several times to install it without changing the session variable.
In past versions changing this variable did not cause problems.
Why it did not work later when I did not change that variable ?
cleaning browser cookies and matching the sessions variable solved this issue. My fault, I did not read the comments inside globals.php carefully enough.