phpGACL use

drmarty wrote on Thursday, October 07, 2010:

We need to be able to limit access to specific patients. For instance if we ask for a consult or send a Physical Therapist out we need to be able to let them see that patient but not the rest. With GACL as it installs I can limit what is done to all patients but I don’t see how to limit access to an individual patient or group of patients.


visolveemr wrote on Friday, October 08, 2010:


You can create groups in Administration->ACL with specific privileges and then assign the patients to groups based on the their access limits.

Hope this helps.

ViCarePlus Team,

drmarty wrote on Saturday, October 09, 2010:

Thanks for replying,
When you say “create groups” in Administration->ACL, do you mean in the Access Control List Administration or in phpGACL where there are ARO and AXO groups? When I create the group in the Access Control List Admiinistration it adds the (Edit) option but when I click on it nothting happens. I can’t add or change ACO’s.

I am familiar with the ACL Admin under Advanced. I have been told by Mike Benoit that I should use AXO for my needs. How about creating an AXO Section with a Value of pid (from patient_data) and a Name of Patient Data and the AXO the Value for each AXO would be its pid value like 5 or 6 and the Name would be the patient’s name, John Doe? You could also create AXO groups so you could select patients to access either individually or by group like Mary’s Nursing Home.

Thanks Marty

drmarty wrote on Saturday, October 09, 2010:

ViCarePlus Team,
Also as I pour over this over and over, it seems like you suggestion to create a group for the patients would be like using phpGACL for Multiple Purposes described in the Manual. Right now the groups are Users like Front Office. I think you are suggesting making groups for patients in the same place as the groups of Users. Is that right?


visolveemr wrote on Monday, October 11, 2010:


Right. For creating simple user groups you can go with Administration → ACL → Groups and Access Controls → Add New Groups & then ‘Edit’ the group to assign user policies.

ViCarePlus Team,

drmarty wrote on Tuesday, October 12, 2010:


I’m sorry. I had written 2 replies in a row above and probably confused you (since I’m confused.) When I add a group as in your last post and then edit it, it only allows me to choose the ACO’s or what you call user policies and only the policies that are already present. And again the permissions are global. If I allow (or deny) for example Encounters Authorize - any encounters for a group such as Clinicians then that policy is in effect for all patients. I need another layer of policies which allows me to, for example, deny Encounters Authorize - any encounters for Clinicians for specific patients or groups of patients but will allow Encounters Authorize - any encounters for Clinicians for the rest of the patients.

It seems (and Mike Benoit said) that he thinks this is a job for AXO. (But he admits he knows nothing about OpenEMR) I kind of think you would set AXO Sections to patient_data, AXO to patients probably by a value like pid, and then you could also set AXO Groups so you could select all the patients from one clinic for example.

I think I need to go to Administration >ACL >Access Control List Administration (Advanced) and use phpGACL to accomplish my goals. It just seems to me that others would have needed this and done this before.

Thanks again
