PHP Excel Name Space

I have found in the code a PHP Office. However, the package has not been used yet and the namespace does not seem to work at this time. I was trying to follow this

And use the

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;

But this is undefined in OEMR
I kindly ask. Will this be activated in the system soon?

@brady.miller @MatthewVita @robert.down

These may, at one time, have been targeted for the document templates by Rod, maybe…

Check out here to find details on composer packages:

(Looks like we should bring in PhpSpreadsheet, though; I don’t think that is in the codebase yet)

Here’s a better link:
(and see the stuff at phpexcel)

@juggernautsei ,
Check out your Christmas present that was just added to the codebase (hint: PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet classes will now work :slight_smile: )

btw, this was really perfect timing since the first production version (1.0.0) of PhpSpreadsheet was just released today.

Thank you for the present. Happy Holidays