PHP error and patch upgrade error on multisite module

After some updates to Debian, my install broke. On the login page, I get this:

I’m using Debian 10, upgraded to php 8.0, and MariaDB 10.5.13. OpenEMR is 6.0.0, and I applied patch 3. It looks like something simple may be at issue, but I’m not skilled enough to know what it is. I’d be grateful for any help.


I solved the above issue. There was some issue on the install of php8.0, so I reinstalled it and then had to a2enmod php8.0 and then restart the Apache server.

I was then able to apply Patch 3 to my default site.

However, when I use admin.php to try to apply the patch to another site in our multi-site module, I see the link for Patch Database for the other site: “http://IP address/openemr/sql_patch.php?site=XXXX”.

When I click on this, it tries to take me to this path: “http://IP address/login/login.php?site=XXXX”.

This is the wrong path, as that file is at “http://IP address/openemr/interface/login/login.php?site=XXXX”.

So the root appears to be off. The patch doesn’t go through for the other site.

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