Hi @zerai , The config.platform setting is a way to fake composer into using a specific php version instead of using the php version that is in the operating system (so we can build production packages on an operating system that is using a different php version, and still build on the one we want). And for platform, we always make it the lowest PHP version that is supported by that version of OpenEMR (ie. lowest common denominator approach ). Those issues are basically outdated and OpenEMR does officiallty support 8.0-8.2 for OpenEMR 7.0.1 (with most recent patch). Now focused on ensuring compatibility with soon to be release 8.3 which can test on via this issue: Treasure hunting for fixes in PHP 8.3 · Issue #6327 · openemr/openemr · GitHub
(that reminds me that we need to update that php8.3 docker (to get most recent dev version), which will do tonight)
This is a good place to point out that if not for @brady.miller doing the sometimes thankless task of researching and refactoring code to keep up with the ever evolving PHP versions, OpenEMR would still be on PHP 5.4 version.
Still a good question and one of those, need to know, for consumer lifecycle planning.
Thank you Brady for your tireless effort and dedication to the OpenEMR Project. We would not exist without your vision and perseverance. Same goes for Jerry as well. Strong work gentlemen.