I run a freebsd 9 server with openemr 4.1.0_10.
I just did my usual upgrade maintenance, and php5 changed from 5.3 to 5.4.
magic_quotes_gpc has been removed altogether from php5
when I change php.ini to display errors, I get this when I try to log in:
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /usr/local/www/apache22/openemr/library/freeb/xmlrpcs.inc on line 498
Also I tried to roll back to the php5.3.10 version, but it does not safe anymore (can’t get it for freebsd anymore, I dunno how to build myself. I usually install ports)
did it on both test and production server. php5.3.10 had been coming up with security issues for a while. Once the fix was available I updated it. the problem is this fix is now not compatible with openemr.
Beware, I think even php5.3.13 is not compatible with openemr.
thanks, that worked. I can get into the system. and see a patient chart.
However there is a lot of strict standard warnings for “passed by reference” and “assigned by reference”
Also I should expect more fatal errors with “call time pass by reference”?
Just to clarify, php5.4 and magic quotes in OpenEMR should not be an issue. Since in 5.4, it appears the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function call simply returns FALSE rather than erroring out in php5.4 (so, it’s the same as simply turning off magic quotes in previous php versions, which works in OpenEMR): http://us3.php.net/manual/en/migration54.incompatible.php
So, magic quotes should not be an issue for OpenEMR in php5.4.
Sandra, I am assuming from your most recent post, that php5.4 is now working with OpenEMR with yehsters above commit. if you’re still using php5.4, the best thing to do is to start testing everything on your testing instance, and let us know if you get any more fatal errors
Yes I agree, I got rid off the magic_quotes message by commenting out its reference in php.ini. Also I reviewed globals.php and realized that it should not be an issue like you mentioned above.
the fatal error is with:
Call-time pass-by-reference
Tomorrow I will be able to tell in which other files, if any, it becomes an issue.
For now I am getting the “strict standard” issues above. This will probably become a problem with future php upgrades.
If I get more fatal errors, I will start a new thread
Just let me know how it works. If yehster’s commit fixes things completely, then probably worth it to include this in a new OpenEMR 4.1.0 patch so others don’t get white screen of death like you did after upgrading their os’s.
Filling up the log with messages *is* an error in my book. It’s so much easier to catch silly mistakes like typos in variable names if there isn’t a lot of junk to filter.