Pentaho Question

ajperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

Have pentaho installed on same box as OpenEMR.
In report designer can preview some tables and not others…
For example Patient_data is ok but not ar_session or ar_activity.

Got me back in my usual state…confused.

bgregg wrote on Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

What version are you using? I’m running 3.7.0.

I’m able to get the previews/selector working in the SQL Query Designer for both the ar_activity and ar_session tables. When you’re in the JDBC Data Source window, in the Query box there is a pencil icon on the right-side. When you click that, it will pull up the SQL Query Designer window in which you can select the table to pull columns from.

ajperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

Did not get a chance to update this….
Using Version 3.9.0-GA 15x
Here is what I found.
It doesn’t like some fields…for example in both ar_session and ar_activity I had to de-select modified_time.
