Pending revisions do not work

I create an order to send to a lab, but it does not appear in pending reviews.
I tried this from openemr official demo.

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Hi Luis,
I believe you must go to Patient Results first and enter results if on paper from an in house lab procedure or if imported by electronic reports then save, after which results may be view in Pending for signing.

Thanks for answering Jerry, but yes. I did it:

Procedures…((I’m watching):
Pendig Review and Patient Results show the same tab:
Procedure Results

I know I’ve run across this several times and each time I forget for the next time!:slight_smile:
Old age!
I will recall once I look over but chin up, I know there is an answer!

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Don’t worry, I’m old too.

Since these are “In House Lab Orders” then you must provide a result(s) to order to populate in results.
Now with Electronic result imports, it is not necessary to have a complete compendium as every thing is created from the result and compendium is only needed so an order can be created.

Hope this will answer issue and hopefully other whom happen upon this issue.

@sjpadgett Please excuse me, but how would it be to provide results. Let’s say, what the process is like now. Thank you so much

For any in house labs you need discrete result(s) as part of the order. You can’t add a result value to a order/procedure itself.
Here is a possible order with results and codes: LOINC 101642-7 Cardiovascular risk panel - Serum or Plasma
Most times you get the compendium from the lab you order from electronically and are generally proprietary. However, however you receive results currently it should list order codes and result codes you can use to create orders in configuration.
So on example order structure would be order then under order add discrete result fields.

Let me know if not clear or need more info.

Hi Luis
First you have to save the procedure order ( lab order)

then goto procedure pending review

then it will show up in encounter like this

this is a test patient i had have created and experiment everything on him :smiley:

before all this you will have to configure the tests and panels lik ejerry suggested.

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Thanks Robert! I’m getting lazy on the forum of late.:slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: Jerry, I am currently trying to study the openemr software thoroughly, including the mysql of it and trying to make easy php files to fetch data as i want to see from the openemr db. This will be handy on slower pcs and just in case the openemr crashes due to some tweaking of php files, the data from the db can still be fetched.

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Luis, if you need my sql of just the lab workup i can post here or sent to ur email id.
It will have the basic medical workup including
CBC, RFT, LFT, TF,T LIPID PROFILE, Auto Immune Panel, UA, Urine Work Up, Electrolytes, Diabetes Work Up etc…

@sjpadgett, @Robert_James, Thank you very much for the contribution. Sorry for the time I wasted. I’m old, and I didn’t remember. Please @Robert_James. Yes, I would be very interested in your SQL script. But I would like you to post it on the forum, in case anyone else needs it.
Many thanks friends.

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Sure, it will be a big time saver :slight_smile:

openemr_lab.sql (19.9 KB)

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