PDF Patient Invoice is 3 pages long after 7.0.2 patch 1

Patient PDF invoice is needlessly split over 2 pages and adds blank 3rd page

OpenEMR Version

FF 127.0.1

Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04.4

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After installing patch 1, billers reported a change in the downloaded patient PDF invoices which rendered them 3 pages long. Previously only 1 page but now are being split unnecessarily into 2 pages with a blank third page added to the end.

Investigation of the Admin>Configuration>Billing settings revealed the “Use Custom Statement” box was checked and the corresponding drop-down set to “Modern/images”

According to the context help (shown upon hover) Unchecking the “Use Custom Statement” box only toggles display of either the service codes or their descriptions. This is true unless you have customized the statements.inc.php file.

Setting the drop-down to “Plain Text” Creates a proper single page text only PDF.

Also the text sections for accepted credit cards on lines 203, 6654 and 955 should be edited to reflect which cards are accepted by your organization.

How do we edit the statement.inc.php so that it will fit on one page again yet still keep the “modern/images” appearance it had prior to patch one?

Sounds like you had a custom page done in the last version. You should go back and get that file and replace it in the openemr/sites/default folder. Then you might get back your one-page statement.

I edited the file to work with 2 window envelopes way back in v3.1.1 and that worked fine until v6.0 when it was modernized and I had to edit it again to make it work with our envelopes. The major rewrite in 7.0 replaced the file and that worked just fine out of the box (just had to fold them differently) so we haven’t had a custom version since v6.0. The default statement in 7.0.2 was plain text which worked fine. After patch 1 the default was modern/graphics version which moved the addresses from the bottom of the first page to the top of a second page and added a blank third page. I attempted to fix it but couldn’t decipher the code. Hopefully, we’ll be able to send statements via email eventually and stop killing so many trees.
