PDF from patient summary reports getting cropped

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, February 24, 2017:

I have created many forms with xmlformgen. One of them is the history form which I use to take the initial history of the patient. whenever I try to print out the pdf from the patient Summary->Reports->Download PDF, I get the pdf which is cropped and most of the info is not shown due to cropping. Please see the attached.

In the above image, chief complaints is cropped, The present history is also completely cropped and is not shown.This makes the pdf feature useless as I am not able to print using that. Please help me!

Hello arnabnaha,
To overcome from this issue,makes some necessary changes in Administartion->globals->PDF
setting the Layout as Landscape may prevent this cropping issue.


@arnabnaha This type of issue was solved when I reworked custom reports.