taufikottsh wrote on Friday, February 24, 2017:
I’m adjusting the field list and demographic layouts so that it caters the need of our institution. I remembered deleting one of the group in the demographic layouts because we really do not use it, and it tuns out when i want to view the demographics, we are returned with this error
ERROR: query failed: select pid, id, lname, fname, mname, providerID, DATE_FORMAT(DOB,’%m/%d/%Y’) as DOB_TS from patient_data where pid = ‘55’ order by lname ASC, fname ASC
Error: Unknown column ‘providerID’ in ‘field list’
C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\patient.inc at 691:sqlStatement
C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\patient.inc at 701:getPatientPID(Array)
C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\patient_file\summary\demographics.php at 519:getPatientName(55)
what should i do?