Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS)

I am interested in PROMS for medical and mental health services. I have developed a questionnaire builder, multiple delivery methods and multiple analytic methods including a custom Tableau. This was created using Angular and msSQL. This is implemented with a charting system on Azure.

Here is a paper I wrote with a colleague.

Is there any previous, current or ongoing work using PROMS with openEMR?

hi @AMHA-OR, see easipro by bradymiller · Pull Request #2911 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

Hi @stephenwaite

Thank you!! I need to show this to my humble team. :clap: easipro by bradymiller · Pull Request #2911 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

Programs like PROMIS are interesting. The largest similar project using licensed questionnaires was in LA county. It did not do well.

My solution is to adopt "A Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License) (copyleft). I believe copyleft is a form of open-source.
Research: Screening & questionnaire research — Mentor Research Institute

example: Comprehensive MH and Physical symptoms

Wondering if we can connect our app to openEMR (for education and research) toward the development of modern comprehensive screening, diagnostic and assessment tools .

Please forgive my enthusiasm. I may be oversharing but in the world of corporate owned EMRs, openEMR feels like clean air and water.

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