Patient Portal whereto variable

Hi @sjpadgett,

How can this variable

     $whereto = $_SESSION['whereto'] ?? null;  Line 53 home.php

be set on a redirect from the OT login?

This does not work

  $protocol . $domain .$GLOBALS['webroot']. '/portal/home.php?site=default&whereto=paymentcard';

Can I use this?

  $whereto = $_SESSION['whereto'] ?? $_GET['whereto'] ?? null;

Are you using my onetime class or event?
You can’t use whereto from url unless you modify home to apply the redirect to a href on page.

I am access the portal from the one time redirect. I am asking if I include the where to in the URL and modify the home variable to this:

 $whereto = $_SESSION['whereto'] ?? $_GET['whereto'] ?? null;

Will this get me to the payment page?

Yes but where are you generating the onetime token?

I am generating the token in the patient check-in module.