Hello everyone!
Please take a look at the patient portal developed by zh healthcare.This patient portal can be connected with the openemr 4.0 and above despite of any fork. It has the following features
For Patients
Ask your Provider for their “Practice Id,” or search our providers list to see if your Provider is registered to use our Portal services.
If you are an existing patient and have never used the Portal you must ask your provider to give you a username and password to access the Portal.
If you are a new patient all you need is your provider’s “Practice id” and you can register your username and password.
As an enrolled patient you will access to the below given array of features:
New patient registration
Request Appointment
View your demographics, insurance and other information and make changes
Eligibility and copay verification.
Fill all forms beforehand and sign them if necessary limiting wait time
View your Medical Records including lab results and prescriptions.
View your Accounts, Ledgers and Statements
Pay your provider online
Mailbox: Communicate with your provider. Request referrals, ask for refills, or clarifications
For Providers
Connect your OpenEMR to the Portal.
Register your Practice
Decide on what features you want your patients to see under the settings tab.
Medical Records
Accounts Statements and ledgers.
Appointment reminders through Integrated Voice Response system.
Receiving payments.
Mailbox: Communicate with your patients easily and securely.
Upload your custom made PDF Forms that you need the patients to fill out.
Generate usernames and passwords and communicate to the client.
Capture patients signature electronically after they fill our your forms.
Allow patients to fill in all the demographics and profile information, custom forms et cetera from the comfort of their own personal space even before they come in for the visit.
Verify their insurance eligibly, patient responsibility and copay amounts before the visit.
You can approve or reject any of the following before you update them to you database, giving you absolute control.
New patient registrations
Changes made by existing patients
Appointment requests
The portal can be accessed at www.mydocsportal.com
the patch is not ready yet to connect the openemr withthe portal, but will be ready by this weekend.
In the meantime people can access the demo at www.mydocsportal.com using the following credentials.
Practice id-zhdemo
username- eldho
password- eldho
when this portal will be ready, it can be connected with openemr in the following way-
How to connect
Make sure your version of OpenEMR is 4.0 and above and you have updated the latest patch, or please download the patch. The patch is under testing and some fixes are undergoing for appointment and provider module. This will be available at zh healthcare website i.e www.zhservices.com
Once you have installed the latest patch navigate to menu>administration>ACL and add “Patient-Portal” to the group you want to give rights to administer the Portal Activity.
Navigate to menu>administration>Globals and select the connectors tab.
Enable the checkbox “Patient Portal” and save. Then logout and log in.
Navigate to menu>Portal Activity. The first time you select this item you will be asked to register your practice with the portal. You will have a unique user name, password, and practice id.
Go to the “settings” and make your choices as to what you want the patient to have access to on the Portal.
First time install will require you to run a generate username and password script for all your patients which you can then scurely communicate to them.
Alternatively whenever each patient calls for their username and password, go to Patient demographics and select the button “create portal login password” and the system will generate a new username and passwrd which you can convey to the patient. Make sure you click the save button. The patient will have to change this password when he logs in.
That’s it!!! Now you are ready to use the Patient Portal. Please watch the video too.
I am a doc and a simple user of openemr. I am no one of zh healthcare. Neither a client nor an employee. Patient portal is a part of mu certification. It has been developed by cassilup for openemr but it is pending its final code review changes. I loved the features of zh healthcare’s patient portal as they have everything needed in a patient portal. Its secure too…i promoted it to the community so that everyone can have a look at it as its worth a piece of work. Its free and it can be integrated with individual openemr installation which can be used world wide helping a lot of openemr users getting a rich patient portal. Its no form of advertisement but just an appreciation of a good piece of work…test it and comment on it…but donot discourage anyone’s hard work. Thanks!
This caught me by surprise as well. We weren’t quite ready for public release or announcement. I had given access to a few people for feedback. Arnab was one of them.
The idea was to create something that was truly a patient portal taking into account all comments. No one has sponsored this and this is zh healthcare’s own initiative.
However, this is a FREE portal. And will be accessible to anyone who chooses to use it.
I am a doc and a simple user of openemr. I am no one of zh healthcare. Neither a client nor an employee. Patient portal is a part of mu certification. It has been developed by cassilup for openemr but it is pending its final code review changes. I loved the features of zh healthcare’s patient portal as they have everything needed in a patient portal. Its secure too…i promoted it to the community so that everyone can have a look at it as its worth a piece of work. Its free and it can be integrated with individual openemr installation which can be used world wide helping a lot of openemr users getting a rich patient portal. Its no form of advertisement but just an appreciation of a good piece of work…test it and comment on it…but donot discourage anyone’s hard work. Thanks!
It is very silly. Someone posted advertisement, and within 4 minutes someone “evaluated”, and replied saying “Looks great!”. Is that someone is related to first someone???
Ofcourse, I am a newbie here. For the sake of openemr community, we shouldn’t encourage such third party URLs.
Is http://www.zhservices.com/ doing commercial business? Answer is Yes. If so, they can’t come to openemr and post their URLs and ask users to test their products.
@tsvas, I’m not affiliated with zhealthcare. I’m just a normal end user of OpenEMR. I understand your concern but as long as something is released under GPL, I don’t think there should be any concerns. And from what I’ve read this is free but not necessarily released under GPL?
ZHHealthcare care is a MAJOR contributer to this project and yes they are a vendor. So am I, www.mi-squared.com , and Rod www.sunsetsystems.com, and visolve.com and many others. We all support and thanks from the community for the work we contribute. We make our living on support contracts, custom work and add-on services. Without us this project ceases to be a viable option for anyone.
that should have said “We all DESERVE support and thanks from the community…” The lack of preview and edit on sourceforge is making this less and less the tool I want to be using for this project every day.
Tony, thats fine. You can live on EMR support and customizations.
But you can’t ask users to test your products by posting your website URLs with a big advertisement what are its features.
All the time I see you guys put your website name in your signature. Thats fine. But you can’t ask openemr users to test your website (which is a commercial website) by posting a big ad.
I totally support tony…brady, tony, zh healthcare, visolve, rod etc they are the major developers of openemr…its only because of them that openemr has been a certified emr. Hats off to u guys and we all support u…always and for ever…thanks a lot guys!!
I totally support tony…brady, tony, zh healthcare, visolve, rod etc they are the major developers of openemr…its only because of them that openemr has been a certified emr. Hats off to u guys and we all support u…always and for ever…thanks a lot guys!!
To make thing clear….
1. Its not an advertisement. Its a piece of info that tells you the features of the patient portal for the patients, the providers and the openemr users about how to connect the openemr to the portal and what facilities the portal have.
2. I am just a user of openemr. This piece of info was put up just by me so that people can learn about this portal. I was NOT TOLD BY ZH HEALTHCARE to put it up in the community. I loved it…i wrote it…
3. The url www.zhservices.com was used for the benefit of the community as the patch which needs to be downloaded will be found there. This patch will help to connect the openemr with the portal. It was nothing of advertisement.
4. I was not telling people to test any website. It was just the patient portal which could be accessed at www.mydocsportal.com
5. All the things written in the first post are just instructions and informations about the portal. No promotion of any
kind about zh healthcare. They have contributed a lot to openemr and they need no promotion.
To make thing clear….
1. Its not an advertisement. Its a piece of info that tells you the features of the patient portal for the patients, the providers and the openemr users about how to connect the openemr to the portal and what facilities the portal have.
2. I am just a user of openemr. This piece of info was put up just by me so that people can learn about this portal. I was NOT TOLD BY ZH HEALTHCARE to put it up in the community. I loved it…i wrote it…
3. The url www.zhservices.com was used for the benefit of the community as the patch which needs to be downloaded will be found there. This patch will help to connect the openemr with the portal. It was nothing of advertisement.
4. I was not telling people to test any website. It was just the patient portal which could be accessed at www.mydocsportal.com
5. All the things written in the first post are just instructions and informations about the portal. No promotion of any
kind about zh healthcare. They have contributed a lot to openemr and they need no promotion.