Patient Portal 2 - Portal Dashboard

I am attempting to understand how Patient Portal 2 signed documents interact with the patient chart. To test the functionality, I logged on as a test patient and signed Privacy and HIPAA documents.

Is it possible to view the patient documents as an administrator, or another user? I don’t see how to do this on the Portal Dashboard.

Thanks for any insight you can give.


Hi @sjpadgett,

I see your name on the Portal. Can you help me understand how an administrator can review a document signed by a patient?


Hi Erik, you’re almost there. Now click the blue button for document in list and you’ll get a popup with document. I know that it seems an extra step but I have plans to display all current pending documents for that patient in the select panel. From there you may save the doc to chart and/or download.
Note also that id you want to have admin able to sign the document the you can goto Manage Templates and edit/add the administrator signature tag to the template. Best to have most current portal code as i’m not sure at what point I fix an issue with signature. Maybe in patch 6. New patch coming in next couple days and I will have added admin signature to the default templates and maybe add a new intake questionnaire.

oops, misread. You have to click Review audit button then click through to document.

Thanks Jerry @sjpadgett,

Here’s what I see in my portal login.

Here’s what I see in the Patient Dashboard

I don’t see the Privacy or HIPAA documents in the activities. Is there somewhere on the patient profile I should look?


To view the documents in Onsite Patient Activities,need to follow the steps below:

In Patient Portal, Click on Patient documents. Select the required document(Privacy and HIPAA documents) and then click on Send for review(In left navbar) option. Now you can find the change in the status i.e from New to InReview.

In OpenEMR portal dashboard, Now you can find the documents listed under Onsite Patient Activities. Select a particular document(Privacy and HIPAA documents) and then again click to preview the document.


Thanks @visolve,

You got it right. I didn’t realize there was an extra step on the patient portal that was required. I can now see the documents!

Thanks for your help.
