When using SMS reminders I have patients reply by SMS to cancel. All I have is the mobile phone for id. The patient finder only has home phone and search any demographic doesnt work. Can you direct me to the code that patient finder home phone is located so i can change the DB field to mobile phone so I can search for the patient.
hi todd,
you can configure which items to search on in the patient finder by using admin->forms->lists and then choosing the ‘patient list columns’ list
e.g. you could use the field phone_cell instead of phone_home
i have ‘mobile phone’ in the demographic/contacts page as the phone_cell value
if this looks useful and you’d like more help with it, just let me know…
Many thanks. this worked. Would there be a way to concat the last and first name so we could actually enter the lname, fname and get the result. it only takes the last name and i have 35k patients in my db.