Patient Facing FHIR App

This post is to find out if there will be any support for a patient facing app? What do I mean by patient facing app? An app that can be installed on any mobile device and connect to OpenEMR. I am trying to find out if there will be enough clinics out there that will be willing to pay for the app service.

We are in the planning stages. We are planning to build the a module that would collect some basic information from OpenEMR installation that would be stored in a cloud directory. The patient would be able to download the app from the respective app store. Enter the clinic’s address and connect to their data.

We are planning on the basics feature to start this project. The patient should be able to

** Update Demographics
** Update insurance card
** See upcoming appointments
** Request appointments
** Send a message to the clinic

That should be enough for the first version of the app.
Post your comments and thoughts. We would like to hear.

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Sherwin, this is great and much needed. Please count me as interested.

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