Patient Demographic tabs not showing

Can anyone tell give me a hint on where I should look to solve this? If this is only a database issue that maybe my column names are wrong. If database issue what table should I look for.
We have a customized OpenEMR 4.2.2. I tried to upgrade database to 6.0 for now an then to version 7 later. Now I am at 6.0. Ran into a lot of issues that I was able to correct. Now I am stuck with patient demographics tabs not showing the names of the tab. Here the picture.
demographics.docx (108.0 KB)

@Kanoberson please check in the layout of the Demographics and check the Groups name is correct or not and if groups name try to rename the groups name and add the groups name.


Thank you so much I can see the tabs now.


Great to hear @Kanoberson