Patient Appointment Email Reminder and Recall

Good Day All,
I’ve been trying to set up Patient email reminder so that once an appointment is set they will receive an email as well as a reminder for the upcoming appointment.
I have followed the steps within Sms and Email Notification Howtos - OpenEMR Project Wiki and have gotten the notice that an email has been sent using the BatchCom tool but no email was actually received or sent.
I’m on a Windows 10 system and used gmail as my smtp server with the MedEx service.
Also I’m using the OpenEMR web client, it’s not installed on my testing workstation
I need some assistance with this configuration.

Hello @MindVisionSup welcome to the OpenEMR community and forum !

I applaud you for already having checked the wiki, that’s rare among new users. But as you’ve seen, wiki entries on some topics are out of date or incomplete.

The next thing to do is to search this forum for email reminders. I’ll give you some clue, that they are a very popular topic that has been posted on many times so you will find a lot of posts and instructions to solve the problem.

Open a search then click the ‘more’ at bottom left:

then order search results by ‘latest post’ to get the most up to date entries, since this feature has been around since the earliest days of OpenEMR:

Screenshot at 2024-08-16 13-25-56

Good luck and come back if you develop more questions to ask.
Best- Harley

Hi Mindvisionsupport,
Welcome to the forum.
THis email reminders thing is a much awaited and desired feature that many have been waiting.
But for some reason it doesnt work as desired.
It does send u an email from system when a stock medicine expires or is deleted… other than that i dont think it works. Even if u enter the correct vlues an dport etc, u cant use this feature.


Hello MindVision Team

For the appointment reminders - we need to customise the code to send out emails when appointment is created or deleted for the patient.

By default this feature is not available.

For upcoming appointments to remind patient before a day or so we need to write a scheduled functions in the system.

Thank You
Infeg Team

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