Newly Improved Fax, SMS and Email Module

Patch here: Newly Improved Fax, SMS and Email Module - #6 by sjpadgett
I have recently developed some considerable improvements to the module. Here’s some highlights:

  • Re-introduced RingCentral Fax and SMS. Fax module now offer the same features regardless of vendor such as forward fax by fax and/or email, Send fax to Patient Documents, attach fax to an internal Message to send to other users and of course view/download.
  • RC will be much easier to turn up as I got rid of what RC calls three legged authentication in favor of using a JWT. That’s it, just add token, client id and secret and you’re done.
  • Both etherFAX and RC now allow mass soft deletes through checkbox per item.
  • All fax send options also allow emailing too.
  • etherFAX is improved in several way such as consistent Fax/SMS panels for Received and Sent logs.
  • Introduced new Email Client Module. I’ve been working on this in stages over last couple years. I may end up renaming to Notification Module because it will be attached to onetime log in tokens, send emails from Messages, Patient notifications to complete a portal form and many other place I’m sure you folks will dream up. I making it as simple as possible to do these tedious yet important tasks.
  • You can now send appt reminders using email if SMS is not available. Works the same as current SMS reminders. And due to using a JWT sending with a cron job or backend is no longer an issue.
  • Planning to relax ACL’s from requiring Admin to perhaps clinician. So more folks in clinic can use.

Unfortunately I’ve not be able to test SMS because I haven’t received account permissions from RC so I’m developing in the blind. I believe it will be okay and we’ll see.

I’m currently unsure how I’ll release this but should know by July 15. I’m throwing up some screenshots to give you an idea of what I’ve been up to. I think the community will be happy with the effort because I’ve so enjoyed doing this project due to community participation. More on those folks when I release.




I spent considerably more time on this project than I really could afford(time…time) but I’m hoping I’ve finally filled the void concerning this day to day activity at clinics. I still want one more fax and one more SMS vendor. It’s actually pretty cool to do all this from one module. BTW this was openemr’s first module.

The portal has many great new features and reworks planned which is now the center of @adunsulag
and my attention.
The Portal is my pet project and due to some generous folks, I get to give all my focus to it. So stay tuned.

Btw: I have a couple developers with idle time so now’d be a good time for all of you folks that have been waiting to get that one new widget into openemr to sponsor one now. Doesn’t happen too often.



For anyone willing to test an unofficial patch for new module then PM me and we’ll see if you are able to safely install.
Most definitely not on any production sites.

I’m building a patch so the new module can be used.
I think I’ll include my Weno post patch 1 patch so you’d be required to be on openemr to install new patch.
I’ll post new patch here but I’d like to track who is testing/implementing. Mostly interested in those using RingCentral and/or email reminders.
Meanwhile if any questions feel free.

Wow, this sounds pretty exciting, Jerry. Thank you for sharing.

We are successfully using the HIPAA-compliant service of SRFax for our clinical faxes (; I think this would be a good alternative service/vendor to set up. I think they use a Hyla-type fax service because can access the service with a Java Hylafax client :slight_smile:


My backup system is available 0300EST to 2300EST. It is running;
Ubuntu 22.04.4
Apache 2.4.52
MariaDB 10.6.18

Here is the patch for the reintroduction of RingCentral and an Email Client with sending Appointment Reminders using email. Unzip in openemr root.

  • Install patch
  • From openemr root run composer install to install RC vendor SDK.
  • To be safe run composer dump-autoload -o also to ensure RC is loaded.
  • Install faxsms module from Modules > Manage Modules.
  • Setup RC account information in modules setup Setup SMS Account or Fax Account. You only need to enter one set as SMS and Fax use the same login.
  • You can get all items from your RC account. Under settings be sure to setup permissions and Auth. You may generate your JWT from here or from module account setup.

The SMS module hasn’t been tested because it is such a pain to get authorized to send SMS. RC has absolutely no way for developers to do SMS unless you sing on as a business with production account!
However @Bo_Wang team has given me an account on their enterprise account to finish up SMS so at least another patch. I expect sending text reminders to work.

Everyone can give thanks to @hitechelp for his tenacious prodding and sponsoring me to get RC back into OpenEMR so thank you David.
Also let’s thank @Bo_Wang and his team for providing me with everything I need to test.

I wanted to at least get the fax service to you folks which I think is working well.

Patch Download: (307.1 KB)


For tracking purposes, this is going into our production environment running on AWS + Docker + MySQL.

Will probably deploy the patch manually to ensure we take extra backups and step through what all is changing to give you granular feedback and a second set of eyes on the deployment.

I forgot to check Choices if email is allowed and was using SMS allowed so I fixed here interface/modules/custom_modules/oe-module-faxsms/library/rc_sms_notification.php and will include in my next patch. Setting appt status from here doesn’t work for recurring appts so beware as those appts will rerun.

rc_sms_notification.php (16.8 KB)