Patch Required: OpenEMR Cloud Express Backups

A bug has been found in the OpenEMR Cloud Express (and all Lightsail deployment paths, including virtual machines) that prevents the automated daily backups from correctly running if you’re not using a cloud storage location. Patch 295 reveals the issue, a missing environmental variable in the daily backup script.

This issue does not affect OpenEMR Cloud Express Plus, OpenEMR Cloud Standard, or any installation that uses our Docker images but doesn’t use the Lightsail launch script.

To remedy this, replace your /etc/cron.daily/duplicity-backups file with the current version and mark it executable. An example block follows.

sudo bash
cd /etc/cron.daily
# is it here? if it isn't, do not proceed
ls duplicity-backups
mv duplicity-backups /root/duplicity-backups.bak
curl -o duplicity-backups
chmod a+x duplicity-backups

We always recommend you periodically inspect the output of your backup processes and test their restoration on clean instances.