Past Encounters Table: LBF Mouseover Issue

The table on the Past Encounters and Documents tab has this great mouseover feature where you can mouseover your form name and get a tooltip-type display of the form contents. It makes it really fast and easy to find out what happened on previous visits. The providers I work with absolutely love this feature.

But the feature appears to have a problem with LBFs.

If your logged in as admin or have the superuser privilege, it works great with LBFs. But if you don’t have the superuser privilege, the mouseover shows nothing with LBFs. The mouseover works fine without superuser on other non-LBF forms like soap and care plan.

I tried selecting an access control from the gui, Edit Layout > Layout Form Properties > Access Control. But that didn’t help. And the permissions and ownerships in the file system seem OK.

I’ve looked at encounters.php and LBF/new.php for a solution. I can get the mouseover working without superuser, but there is no form info in the box.

I really think this is just a privileges issue. But I haven’t found a way to fix it.

Error logs are clean and I can reproduce the issue on the demo.

Perhaps this superuser requirement is intentional? If so, why?

Any suggestions to point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

I’m using Linux Mint and Firefox with 2 openemr-6-0-0 installs (TKLamp and Ubuntu) in VirtualBox

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This is a long time feature of OpenEMR however; somewhere around early v5.0.1 a new feature was added to allow setting permissions for each encounter form in Forms Administration so since LBV forms do not appear in that list, I believe we may have an issue when looking at permissions for mouseover events.

The routine that grabs those permissions is located in the library/ library using hasFormPermission() function if ya want to investigate.

btw: I believe Rod fixed this for next release by adding LBF forms in that list.

This is just my best guest so let us know.

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Thanks for the info, great instruction. Your tip on hasFormsPermissions helped me begin to get a grip. I’ve seen that function around.

Funny that the LBV Layout Form Properties has a place for Access Control, just like Forms Administration, but it doesn’t seem to work. Perhaps it’s just waiting for LBF to be added to the Forms Administration list. But nomatter, can use Forms Administration just as well.

I’ll keep an eye out for the next release and report back here on LBF mouseover.