Passwords expired and unable to access appliance

I did’nt update the password for administrator nor for a couple of critical users. What steps can I take to resolve this issue and login to openemr?

I have shell access btw.

Thanks everyone. Btw we are using 7.0.2 in linux (ubuntu)

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UPDATE users_secure set login_fail_counter = 0, last_update_password = “2024-01-16 12:53:00”, last_update = “2024-01-16 12:53:00” WHERE id = 1;

I can run this as a query? Should I modify any of the fields or data listing in the command above?

If you have access to the database it might be better to go to the table users_secure and adjust the fields there. The user ID might be different also note the date needs to be recent like 2024-10-30 12:53:00

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The support group said they reset the password for administrator and a couple of other accounts but they could not login. It’s wierd because I can login to a doctors account however, it doesn’t have admin rights. I searched for the users_secure table however I could not find it? I know it’s there but I could not find it. They did some restores from earlier however, I had just had them delete september and most of october updates. I’ll search again for that table however, I don’t know exactly where I would find it in sql? I’m no dba to be frank.

I found the table and i posted a snapshot of the configuration. Where do I make the change? Thanks for the support to e


Wrong table :slight_smile:

I made the update however, i’m still unable to access with my account. My question now is that I have 1 account drbrewer that does have access to openemr however the account is for a provider and has no admin rights. is there anyway i can give admin to the account drbrewer to get into the admin environment?

Try bringing both last_update_password and last_update to a recent date. I noticed that drbrewer is the only user with October 2024 for both if these columns.

For security reasons, I would remove the images from your posts and replace them with ones where the data is hidden. People now know most of the users and part of the password.

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In addition to checking/fixing the update dates & login fail counters, you also need to verify that the ‘active’ flag in the users table for your admin account(s) is set to 1 , and not 0. If the account is inactivated, you’ll get the same error, even if you have correct credentials.

I just wanted to report that I have updated the administrator password and all users passwords and have established a notification process for password updates periodically to ensure the account access can be sustained without interruption in the future.

I admit I learned a good lesson regarding password management.

Thanks to everyone for their support and guidance in this matter.