Password not being sent to Paitent no error logs are thrown or retuernd in reagrds to the SMTP configuration

I have noticed that the SMTP started to malfunction I tried to add on our SSl and NON-SSL acounts to test out the reset password but It dose not send out the password by stating the Email was not sent to the following.

Please note that I tested GMAIL, Cpanel email, Outlook and all other email provider but I am not getting any error on the log.

All of our SSL certifcates are not expired.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.0.2

I’m using: Google Chrome

Operating System
I’m using: Hosting it via Cpanel Linuex cloud based system

Did you check the logs? Yes it dose not show anything about SMTP only Comelink [22-Apr-2024 21:59:05 Asia/Dubai] PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Comlink\OpenEMR\Modules\TeleHealthModule\Repository\TeleHealthProviderRepository::$config is deprecated in /home/caqu79qe/public_html/ on line 26
[22-Apr-2024 21:59:05 Asia/Dubai] PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Comlink\OpenEMR\Modules\TeleHealthModule\Controller\TeleHealthCalendarController::$teleHealthProviderRepository is deprecated in /home/caqu79qe/public_html/ on line 62

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I’ve seen issues in the past where two emails need to be the same with one of my SMPT

Not necessarily a perfect solution, but one way I’ve dealt with outbound mail on some systems, is to set up a local Postfix relay on the OpenEMR host. Configure Postfix to use your SMTP provider (Gmail, ISP, whatever it is), and then route the sent messages via the local host. That way, you will at least find some useful debugging information in the local mail logs, and that will often allow you to find and correct the real problem that’s stopping the outgoing mail from sending.
Also, not specifically related to this issue, but if you suppress things like Deprecation messages in your PHP logs, it makes it much easier read the logs when you’re fixing things.

Thank you, @Penguin8R and @sjpadgett, for all the advice. The issue has been resolved; it turned out to be related to the trusted email and registered email settings. When attempting to change the trusted email while keeping the registered email the same, the changes would not go through. I deleted that demo account and retested — this time, it worked well.

I suspect there might be a bug that triggers the “Email was not sent” message.