Others getting abruptly logged out?

Hi Folks-
I and some other people I work with have been getting abruptly logged out of of the EMR, while we’re active in it. It isn’t waiting as long as the ‘inactive timeout’ setting in globals, and it’s intermittent: sometimes doesn’t happen during a session; sometimes occurs soon after initial login or not for a while; sometimes several times in a row within minutes of each other; sometimes stopping after a few occurrences. It happens on both a server install of v5.0.1 (2) and my localhost install of the ubuntu package v5.0.0 (3) . Ideas?
Please let me know what other information would be useful to tell.
Regards- Harley

Try working in a single browser window/tab. I think this has to do with sessions and different tabs open in the same browser. I believe this may be a similar problem to the “data loss” problem mentioned in a previous post. I have encountered both of these issues in 5.0.1 and only when using more than one browser tab/window. I do not know how to fix it.

Hi @rmagauran thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try. That would be a real pain, though, having to close down all the other work I have going, or keep a dedicated window open just for the EMR.

Note I am not sure this is the issue.
For me it did not matter how many other non-openEMR tabs/windows were open, just more than one from your openEMR server.
Worse yet, it is intermittent. I had a scenario using the demo servers where I was switching between browser windows and data from patientA started showing up in patientB chart,
but today I couldn’t duplicate it. It did happen though on my production server, but has not recently. I attributed it to the “single window” deal but now I am not sure…

hi guys, are you using Firefox?

I’d heard of the thing where two patient demographics screens were open in different tabs within a single OpenEMR instance, and data from one showed in the other. But not moving between separate browser windows, each running its own OpenEMR. That’s awkward.

And by the way, I’ve been sitting here testing the single browser window remedy, with a single OpenEMR in its own tab in its own browser window. It’s ‘inactive time out’ is set at 5 minutes, so I’ve been clicking or opening tabs etc every couple dozen seconds. After 17 minutes of that I just now got booted out.

In version 5.0.1 compared to previous versions the session cookie was changed to provide a cookie path. This was done for security reason. This worries me. Potential test would be to open tab A with openemr patient then tab B with another log on while watching cookies name and path in browser console. Or use Open in New Window check in patient finder.

FFX Quantum 59.0.2 64bit for linux mint (17.2)

I meant I saw the problem when using more than one tab in the same browser window.
I did not want you to think I was talking about the “tabs” within openEMR itself.

I’m going to look into this issue. I’m betting that having two different log in’s(regardless of user) using the same User Agent(FF/FF or IE/IE etc) should show any issues with session cookies even logging user out. This could be caused from many different places in codebase if, for example, a restore session was not called when should have been.
This is an important issue so i’m going to open one in Issues to better track and report back here once resolved. I will post the issue number shortly here and would appreciate any insights posted there.

Here is issue for adding any comments or insights. Thanks.

Hopefully just brought a fix for this into the codebase :slight_smile:

Brady my users are still seeing this with the latest version, including patches. Has anyone verified the fix?

What happens when logged out i.e any messages or does it take you to log in screen?

Trying to get that information. Will reply back when I get it. Hopefully a screenshot. Thanks.

Okay and any workflow that seem to be more obvious when it happens. I can’t seem to recreate.