Order Catalog Deletion


  1. Click Miscellaneous->Order Catalog.
  2. Click Add Top Level. Under Procedure type Group, specify name, description and sequence and save.
  3. Again click on that particular entry using edit. When I choose delete, it redirects to Types of orders screen with same input values. The user is not clear if the data had been deleted or not as no notification is shown. But on refresh it gives the expected result.
  4. On delete functionality, shall we add a code to refresh the page On trying out ?


Hi @visolveemr ,

Thanks for reporting this odd behavior and agree with the page refresh after delete.
(also, sorry I haven’t been able to keep up with all your bug reports :slight_smile: )



Thanks for the confirmation,we will make the suggested changes and committed the code once done.



Order Catalog Deletion bug has been fixed and the following is the commit link
Commit Link

and Pull Request is

Please check and share your views.


hi @visolveemr ,
Thanks for the fix! Just brought it into the codebase.

@brady.miller Thanks for the update.

ViSolve OpenEMR Customization Team

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