OpenEMR’s GSoC 2020 a Resounding Success:
Thanks, @brady.miller @stephenwaite @sjpadgett @Rachel_Ellison @tywrenn for helping me on this beautiful journey. In the next part, I will be focusing on the testing part so I am looking forward to your help @David_Vu. Please keep guiding me in the future.
I will be back once done with my GRE preparations.
Wow, very cool, the work done sounds very exciting.
Open Health News published a nice modified form of the press release:
OpenEMR’s Participation at the Google Summer of Code 2020 a Resounding Success
@im-Amitto , Nice to see the OpenEMR fans made it to the party! And good luck on the GRE. By the time you are done, I will hopefully be a firebase expert
Check out the article in blog format: