OpenEMR will be present at OSCON

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 19, 2010:

See the O’Reilly Blog about the open source healthcare IT track.  Dr Bowen and I will be presenting for OpenEMR ( regarding the ongoing Meaningful Use certifaction drive


nthurman wrote on Tuesday, June 01, 2010:

I plan on attending this year and have already added your session to my calendar.   Look forward to meeting everyone.   Maybe we can get together for dinner.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 18, 2010:

Video of the Certification project presentation by Tony McCormick and Sam Bowen at OSCON Now online

jcahn2 wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:

Fine presentation.  Is there a link to the current status of each of the 25 steps?   The wiki completion barometer:                   appears to have stopped around April 19th 2010.  Thanks, we are considering switching our EMR to OpenEMR by the end of this year.          Jack Cahn

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:


The last parts of the project (since about April) are large and are progressing, but the individual links are more about documentation and specs than progress.  I’ll post an updated project report on the wiki after tonights project meeting.  Haven’t do that in a while.


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:

Add this file ARRA ONC MU Project-Master-20100914.pdf  to the project page on the wiki

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:

That should have said “I added this file…”  I really hate the sourceforge forum interface.

anonymous wrote on Friday, September 17, 2010:

EMR systems can be a complex set of connected systems with significant data collection points or it can be a simple system that collects basic data needed to record and associate health information with a specific patient.

lsalichs wrote on Monday, September 20, 2010:

Have you received any status update regarding certification?  I posted a similar question several weeks ago, but did not get a clear answer.  I have been monitoring the barometer since early this year and it looks like it is not being updated since April, as you have noticed.

wendellmurray wrote on Monday, September 20, 2010:

I am working on adding openEMR to a “qualified” list of EMR product that will be issued by a subgroup of the Pennsylvania REC (Regional Extension Center). Pennsylvania has renamed itself so that its acronym is not RECORD. Data to the group doing the evaluation is due around now. Aside from questions regarding the features of an EMR such as openEMR there is one or more questions regarding certification by one of the entities performing that function. Therefore the certification project pages have to be maintained, etc. Anyone who has something to offer in regard to seeing that openEMR is on the Pennsylvania list, please let me know. I will have questions regarding features shortly in any case in order to complete the quesitonnaire from the PA RECORD group.

tmccormi wrote on Monday, September 20, 2010:

Happy to help in anyway you need.