gerhardpeter wrote on Sunday, August 07, 2016:
dear all,
i succeeded in installing full OpenEMR onto a Raspberry Pi 3, in addition with php7 (!!) and in conjunction working as a standalone wifi server. You can adress the program with every laptop, phablet, tablet, wifi-connected-PC, in reaching distance of raspi WiFi - Signal…
It works like a charme… it’s a 4 core 1.2 GB processor inside.
Find more details here:
…so it all can be used in emerging countries with 5V/12V power supply only. My friend is from cameroon.
Next step will be, porting the system onto a USB 1TB HDD and booting no longer from unreliable microSDcard… this is possible now, since public announcement yesterday!
So have fun… its an important step in world of ICT
gerhard, berlin, germany
Questions? Just comment blog (moderated). Will answer all of them as far as i can do this. Thx.