Hello, I am installing OpenEMR 4.1.2 on a CentOS 5.1 virtual private server. I have the MySQL database setup and openemr user created. When I go through the installation I get to Step 3 and receive the following message:
OpenEMR Setup
Step 3
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server… OK.
ERROR. Could not open dumpfile ‘/home/p7000113/public_html/openemr-4.1.2/library/classes/…/…/sql/database.sql’.
Have you tried allowing the setup to complete and then restoring the dumpfile via the command line (which will also drop the tables as part of the recovery)?
It’s my understanding that the database has to be created first by the setup.
Thanks for your attention on this issue. No, I cannot move beyond this point. I even went into the phpmyadmin and imported the database.sql file, but this did not help the problem at all. The VPS company is telling me it is a problem with the application, but I suspect it is more likely their setup. I cannot even get Virtualmin to install on that VPS…
Folks installing elsewhere besides a local machine have more difficulties. It may be something simple that the VPS company has to turn on or off for you and over which you have no control.
The dumpfile error message is mudding the waters. What is the error message in step 3 without the .sql file import? As you can see from the screenshot, there are at least 10 areas, any one of which can be the source of the problem.
So after deleting the database, I went back through the install and chose the option for the install to create the database. When I submit the form for step 2 I get the following:
OpenEMR Setup
Step 3
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as root
A little further now! So I deleted the database again and created an empty container with the appropriate user account. I updated sqlconf.php to config=0 and reran the install. This time I got to step 4 but with this error
OpenEMR Setup
Step 4
Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php-GACL)…
driver = mysql,
host = localhost:3306,
user = p7000113_openemr,
database = p7000113_openemr,
table prefix = gacl_Testing database connection…
Failed! ERROR connecting to database,
are you sure you specified the proper host, user name, password, and database in admin/gacl_admin.inc.php?
Did you create the database, and give read/write permissions to “p7000113_openemr” already?
It continues to be a credentials problem. It is highly unlikely that the MySQL root password, just supplied in Step 2, would be incorrect.
These are the credentials required by the setup for successful completion. Changing sqlconf.php appears not to be an acceptable workaround because these credentials are configured and determined by the setup during the creation of a new database.
Would be better to do a proper install because problems may linger with MySQL.
A Google search of Step 3 stalls yielded 5-6 hits with no real answers. The only thread remotely close to your situation is this but it was about an OSX device.
Try asking help from the VPS company again. You may get lucky in reaching someone who actually is interested in customer service. The best guess is that something on their end is blocking the install.
Another option to consider, if a change of the operating system is not too great an onus or if it’s feasible, is this package.
Thanks so much for the investigation help and suggestion. I am exploring other VPS companies and will also ask about getting a VPS with Debian on it from the guys I’m with now.
Let us know how you fared. Step 3 is a very common stumbling block. At present there is a paucity of answers, so if you get to the bottom of this, it will help other forum members.