Hi @brady.miller,
I’m new to OpenEMR and I have installed the OpenEMR v6.1.0 release and when I’m trying to register an app through my localhost server. Its’s giving me error.
"error": "server_error",
"error_description": "The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request: Security error - problem with authorization server keys.",
"message": "The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request: Security error - problem with authorization server keys."
Can anyone please help me where am I doing wrong or do I have to make any changes in the code?
And after generating the client id and client secret from demo env, when I’m trying to authorize the client by enabling the client from the Administrations > System > API Clients and then I’m getting this error message.
I have set up an open EMR(v6.1.0) in my local machine. But when I tried to register any client, it is throwing an error that is mentioned in my previous post. It would be great if you can help in resolving that issue.
So you need to provide detailed steps of how you installed your server. What your operating system is and everything.
The error you are running into happens when the OAuth2 certificate keys are not found on your hard drive. The system attempts to generate these keys when the API starts up. If it can’t create the keys or there is something wrong with your openssl extension to generate the keys you will run into this problem. If you search the forum for oauth2 keys you’ll find a number of resources that can help you resolve this bottleneck. One such thread is here: