OpenEMR listed in Bossie Awards 2013: The best open source applications

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

OpenEMR is listed as one of the The Best Open Source Applications by InfoWorld (Bossie Awards 2013):

congrats to the community

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

Mazel Tov!

I tried to replace the 2012 Bossie image with the 2013 one but it was in a restricted area.

Bossie.PNG and Bossie2.PNG have been uploaded. The first is clearer but the second incorporates images of OpenEMR. Take your pick.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

Go to the WIKI page:

Login and EDIT

I prefer the Bossie2.png but I don’t know how to include an image in the WIKI Page.

[[File:Slide image Bossies-2012-openemr.jpg|300px|right|border|link=]]

I would like to see it included on the third line and rename the imaage fillowing the naming of 2012 Bossie award.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

Hi Pimm,

Thanks for the link.

Bossie2.PNG is 527 x 398 and it’s too big, crowding out the Table of Contents and making a mess.

I’ll convert it to a .jpg file later and try to re-size it using a photo editing tool that I can’t find at this point.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

Try Free ware with many options

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

This is awesome, that’s twice now. Good work everyone!

Tony president

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:


You got your wish. Both Bossie images are one on top of the other.

The size had to be reduced to 266 x 300.

If you really want to know how to insert images, I’ll provide a link.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

YES! Please, send me the link. I would have put the latest Bossie2103 award on top. But you started it and you have the claim to put it where you want.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

I thought chronological order might be more rational if we were going to keep both Bossie images.

Here’s the link.

Click the Embedded File function button in the Toolbar and then in the body of the article insert the name of the uploaded image file.

Have fun.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:

Now I understand why I did not use this feature before…

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:

There’s more.

This MediaWiki link gives instructions, under “Resizing” in paragraph 2.1 Syntax, how to alter the size of the image. I did not have to use an external application after all.

When OpenEMR wins next year, you’ll get the honors of doing the picture. I suppose we will have to remove the second image of the Login Screen (subject to Brady’s approval) to have a symmetrical layout. So we could have the ICSA Lab Certification and then the 3 Bossies.

If you are a perfectionist, you could resize the 3 Bossies giving a total height of the images to match that of the Table of Content. Then it will be truly symmetrical.

You’re right. The layout is better with the 2 Bossies.