Hi, I would like to connect my PACS-Viewer (Orthanc/OHIF) with my openEMR instance and I have the following implementation ideas: [A] Does openEMR have a radiology worklist (HIS/RIS)? [B] What data is sent to/from EMR/PACS? I’m trying to understand the data flow of a fully integrated system.
How I think it goes:
- openEMR adding radiology order to worklist (EMR/HIS);
- Send order to RIS (can be same as HIS but with radiologist’s login);
- RIS order is actioned and a modality is created (eg: Cardiac CT);
- Image is stored and shared on PACS;
- Radiologists workstation logs into PACS for results reporting and is sent to openEMR.
Did I cover this right? [C] If not, what pieces am I missing? So there’s only a HL7-type messaging between PACS and openEMR, right?
[D] A nice to have would be seamless access from openEMR to PACS?