OpenEMR help -Multiple questions

kmcniece wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

Good Morning.
I have been working with a client who uses OpenEMR.
Currently using 4.0 (2nd part of this question involves upgrade path)

I was asked to add a doctor signature to a generated PDF. We are using some cutomized functions to generate forms based on doctor… I finally stumbled upon the “how” this works and all was well in the world.

While making magic happen (Previous sentence) I noticed the system needed to be updated to a new version. Seems easy enough, copy new files into live directory, upgrade database, voila! Somehow in this process I am still at 4.0 and I have broken some important features.

Unfortunately, reports stopped working, left nav being overwritten by new left nav caused custome reports to disappear from menu. Fair enough. I can fix this.

1st question…
There is a clinical section that now throws an SQL error about table doesn’t exist. This is not the error I want to see.
Is this more custom information??

Here is where the error appears.
I click on a patient name to load a patient.
at bottom of screen is “Past Encounters and Documents”
If I click on one of those dates it opens a page with a new set of menus.
At the tope is “Encounter Summary” “administrative” “clinical”
when I click Clinical a drop down offers me the option for Physical Exam.
When clicked I get and SQL error.

ERROR: query failed: SELECT * FROM form_physical_exam_diagnoses WHERE line_id = ‘GENWELL’ ORDER BY ordering, diagnosis

Error: Table ‘clinic23_mmc_amc.form_physical_exam_diagnoses’ doesn’t exist

I have looked in the system and this table does not exist. Was it supposed to? Did REALLY break this?

2nd Question:
can I jump from 4.0 to the lates, or do I need to update each version at a time? Obviously there is some custom stuff happeneing and I want to get my head around it befire I completely hose everything up.

Thanks in advance. Looking for ideas, help, contractor.

Kelly McNiece

fsgl wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:

Forum members have informed us that one cannot leapfrog versions with the restore script. The copying of web directory & recovery of mysqldump work well with leapfrogging.

In addition to copying over the default folders, there may be other files which had been customized & they must be transferred over as well.

There is also the matter of the version of PHP which may be outdated, contributing to the upgrade problem.

The easiest way to upgrade is to deploy the packages. No incompatibility issues with the WAMP/LAMP stack, no missing extensions, no difficulties with collation settings, etc.

If the operating system is Windows, see this.

If Linux (ideally Linux Mint for its ease of use), install the 4.2.0 package, copy over customized files, restore .sql dump file, upgrade, patch to 4 & follow other instructions in the install guide.

Note that Patch 4 will wipe out any customized codes in, so customized snippets will need re-insertion.

Always a good idea to backup or create a system image before any code change to minimize buyer remorse (steam emitting from client’s ears) & Alopecia (from tearing out great patches of your own hair).

If successful, login screen should read v4.2.0 (4).