kmcniece wrote on Friday, October 09, 2015:
Good Morning.
I have been working with a client who uses OpenEMR.
Currently using 4.0 (2nd part of this question involves upgrade path)
I was asked to add a doctor signature to a generated PDF. We are using some cutomized functions to generate forms based on doctor… I finally stumbled upon the “how” this works and all was well in the world.
While making magic happen (Previous sentence) I noticed the system needed to be updated to a new version. Seems easy enough, copy new files into live directory, upgrade database, voila! Somehow in this process I am still at 4.0 and I have broken some important features.
Unfortunately, reports stopped working, left nav being overwritten by new left nav caused custome reports to disappear from menu. Fair enough. I can fix this.
1st question…
There is a clinical section that now throws an SQL error about table doesn’t exist. This is not the error I want to see.
Is this more custom information??
Here is where the error appears.
I click on a patient name to load a patient.
at bottom of screen is “Past Encounters and Documents”
If I click on one of those dates it opens a page with a new set of menus.
At the tope is “Encounter Summary” “administrative” “clinical”
when I click Clinical a drop down offers me the option for Physical Exam.
When clicked I get and SQL error.
ERROR: query failed: SELECT * FROM form_physical_exam_diagnoses WHERE line_id = ‘GENWELL’ ORDER BY ordering, diagnosis
Error: Table ‘clinic23_mmc_amc.form_physical_exam_diagnoses’ doesn’t exist
I have looked in the system and this table does not exist. Was it supposed to? Did REALLY break this?
2nd Question:
can I jump from 4.0 to the lates, or do I need to update each version at a time? Obviously there is some custom stuff happeneing and I want to get my head around it befire I completely hose everything up.
Thanks in advance. Looking for ideas, help, contractor.
Kelly McNiece