OpenEMR has already been installed. wish to force re-installation

OpenEMR has already been installed. wish to force re-installation. but didnt get the full path to edit the s

Operating System
Centos 6.10

OpenEMR has already been installed. If you wish to force re-installation, then edit /var/www/html/openemr/library/classes/…/…/sites/default/sqlconf.php (change the ‘config’ variable to 0), and re-run this script.

how to find the full path.

Full path is listed in the message you posted…


Unix naming convention applies - go up the directory for every “…”. So that would be -


Thank you , that issue is resolved
the above attachments are the error getting while trying to create / connect MySQL from Browser.
the username and password are given correct.
phpMyAdmin and MySQL are configured /connecting successfully.
please suggest any more configurationcommands to run in Centos to give permission to openEMR

Attachment links are broken. May be just describe what you are attempting and some prior steps.

I have copied the openemr file to Centos /var/www/html.(centos is deployed in a vm and is configured with IP
then i call the openemr from my browser (my IP is
the browser give me a page to start installation of openemr
I click --> continue
second page i select ““Have setup create the database””
then --> continue
fill the form as below
Server Host:
Server Port: 3306
Database Name: openemr
Login Name: openemr
Password: password1!
Name for Root Account: root
Root Pass: password1!
User Hostname:
UTF-8 Collation:

Initial User: admin
Initial User Password: password1!
Initial User’s First Name: Administrator
Initial User’s Last Name: Administrator
Initial Group: Default

then click --> continue

but it is giving a error message

OpenEMR Setup

Step 3

Configuring OpenEMR…

Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as root

the same credentials are used to access the MySQL from SSH.

_Before when I configure the openEMR with same credentials it pass through and create a new database openemr _
And i can view it in phpMyAdmin page.
but that TIME THE ERROR IS cant access the page
this time it not creating such a database.
please help

Not sure if at any point you had a fully functional install. Regardless -

  1. When setup script returns error you should also check OS, DB and PHP logs for more details.
  2. When you edited sqlconf.php, be sure to drop/rename emr database.
  3. If you are OK with loosing data from prior installation, perform a clean installation.
  4. If you wish to retain prior data, rename current DB, perform a clean install, drop installed DB and rename prior DB.

Best luck.