I am in my first week into investigating this for a clinic I plan to open and need a cost effective but functional EMR. I set up a command line Ubuntu server, latest release. Installed OpenEMR 5.0.2 from the tar.gz file, and installed patch4. Browser is latest Chome.
There are several errors I am working through.
The first two errors I have parked, by un-checking allergy checking and disabling whatever associated function was giving me the problems, I will go back them later.
The next error was “incorrect DATE Value” that I fixed by editing clinical_rules.php at line 305 and removing (OR enddate=’’)
My current problem is that when style is set to frames, there is a 404 error that develops in the main window when searching a patient from the left frame pull down menu, this is reportedly reproduced in one of your older demo versions ( https://six.openemr.io/c/openemr/interface/main/main_screen.php?auth=login&site=default ) . The popup shows the appropriate Pt as a search result, but when the Pt is selected I get 404 in the main window. Interestingly, there is a small widget at the bottom of the left frame that allows a search by several criteria and it works fine, placing the patient search result in the main window instead of a popup, and then populating demographics in the frame as expected.
The problem seems to be an incorrect href in the srchDone(pid) function around line 393 of new_comprehensive.php.
The original code was this:
function srchDone(pid){
document.location.href = “./…/…/patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=” + encodeURIComponent (pid);
Proposed fix for the error was this:
function srchDone(pid){
document.location.href = “…/…/patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=” + pid;
<?php else ?>document.location.href = “…/patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=” + pid;
I entered the proposed fix and saw no change. There was another post in the same feed that someone indicated they “removed a …/ and it worked” but that has not worked either with many iterations of ./ to …/ in several combinations.
When I run the F12, I see the error is coming from an incorrect link looking for demographics.php.
The small search widget in the left pain returns a file location of
The pull down menu and popup returns a file location of
This of course is the wrong location for demgraphics.php.
I have edited interface/new/new_comprehensive.php to reflect the “…/…/patient_file/summary/demographics” location which is the same as the widget, but the error persists. When I look at the F12 function, it is still calling for “./…/…/patient_file/summary/demographics.php”
I am editing the new_comprehensive.php file with nano, saving and closing. I expected that I could edit, save and either refresh the openEMR page, or log out and in, and I have also rebooted the server to no avail and this would refresh to the edited version of the file, but is doesn’t change anything. I understand the srchDone function is referencing relative a local file path to the demographics.php file, but I don’t understand how the …/ compares to …/ and ./ and I don’t understand why it doesn’t seem to change after I edit the new_comprehensive.php file. Perhaps I am editing the wrong file? I can’t seem to find that function anywhere else after having searched through numerous files.
Any advice on what I am doing wrong?