OpenEMR Foundation Board Meeting, April 8, 2020

previous meeting topic:

Here is the Agenda for the April 8 OpenEMR Foundation Board Meeting:

1. Call to Order. Roll call.

2. Approval of prior meeting minutes.

3. Financial Report

Screenshot from 2020-04-08 21-23-27

4. Unfinished Business

  • Google Summer of Code.
  • Cloud.
  • Marketing.
  • Fundraising.
  • Outreach.
  • Recruitment.
  • Security.
  • Meaningful Use (ie. 2015 edition).
  • Ongoing action items to complete for this board meeting.
    • Track AWS/Google cloud use statistics.
    • Look into pricing of third party email service pricing.
    • Update the 2015 MU3 barometer on the wiki (also find out where FHIR falls into this).

5. New Business

6. Public and Community Concerns

7. Next Monthly Board Meeting on May 13, 2020

8. Adjourn Board Meeting

Posted the meeting minutes here:
foundation-minutes/ at master · openemr/foundation-minutes · GitHub

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Action items for next meeting are:

  1. Track AWS/Google cloud use statistics for future meetings.
  2. Look into nonprofit savings on AWS.
  3. Look into pricing of third party email service pricing.
  4. Update the 2015 MU3 barometer on the wiki before the next meeting (also find out where FHIR falls into this).
  5. Contact UL regarding the proposed changes for 2015 MU3.
  6. Board will read through Robert Down’s Foundation strategic plan to discuss at next meeting.
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