Openemr form generator

physmed wrote on Monday, April 03, 2006:

Has anyone gotten anywhere with a wysiwyg form generator for openemr for those of us who are PHP script challanged?

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, April 04, 2006:

Often wished for, but not yet available. 

Ballards is working on a simpler solution though I don’t like it will be wysiwyg.  I will definitely put this on the users wish list.  I have been discussing building forms with E&M coding assistance with the developers.  I think they think I am “nutso” but these are needed features.

If you can create an HTML form that you like Mark Leeds has a PERL tool that generates the code necessary to make a working form.

The tool is downloadable from his site. I’ll try to find the URL for you.

physmed wrote on Tuesday, April 04, 2006:

Thanks Sam I appreciate the effort.